Stardew Valley – How to Get Seaweed

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Seaweed is one of those items in Stardew Valley that you will most likely ignore at the start of the game, and you will realize that you should have kept some tucked away in a chest.

Most items you can catch in the water aren’t extremely useful if they aren’t fish in the early game, but as you discover recycling and other mid-game buildings, you will understand that not all items should be sold the moment you get them.

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Seaweed isn’t extremely useful, but it is necessary to build the Fish Pond, a building that can give you huge advantages if you use it right.

To get Seaweed in Stardew Valley, you can either fish for it in the ocean or try to forage it near the tide pools on the Beach.

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How to Get Seaweed in Stardew Valley

There are only three ways you can get Seaweed in Stardew Valley:

  • Catch it in the Ocean.
  • Forage it next to the Tide Pools at the Beach.
  • Fish Pond.

Fishing for Seaweed

The most common way to get Seaweed in Stardew Valley is to fish for it in the Ocean.

There is a chance that you will get Seaweed each time you throw your fishing hook into the Ocean at the Beach.

Seaweed, along with Algae, is the only non-junk type item in Stardew Valley that players can instantly reel in while fishing.

So, you will generally know if you got Seaweed, or some random trash, if you instantly reel in the hook while fishing.

There is no way to make sure that you catch more Seaweed than normal fish while fishing in the Ocean. All you can do is hope that Seaweed catches your hook.

Foraging Seaweed

There is a very slight chance that you will find Seaweed on the Beach, next to the Tide Pools.

You can reach this area of the game by fixing the little wooden bridge on the eastern side of the Beach.

Unfortunately, there is only a 3% chance that Seaweed will spawn on the Beach there, so this isn’t the best way to go looking for this item.

Still, if you are heading to the Beach anyway to fish for Seaweed, might as well check the Tide Pools for some foraging materials.

Fish Pond Reward

There are some Fish Ponds in Stardew Valley that can give you Seaweed daily.

The Fish Ponds will have to contain fish that you would catch using a Crab Pot in the Ocean.

The fish that you would have to use for the Fish Pond to get Seaweed in Stardew Valley are:

  • Cockle
  • Crab
  • Lobster
  • Mussel
  • Oyster
  • Shrimp

The Cockle, Crab, Lobster, Mussel, Oyster, and Shrimp are all fish you can catch using the Crab Pot, and they will start producing Seaweed the moment you place one of them in a Fish Pond. 

Unfortunately, there is only a 5% chance that you will actually get Seaweed from the Fish Ponds every day, making this method as unreliable as the foraging one.

Still, since they give you items daily, this is a decent way to make Seaweed passively.

What to Do with Seaweed

There aren’t a lot of things you can do with Seaweed in Stardew Valley:

  • Maki Roll
  • Fish Pond

The first thing you can do with Seaweed in Stardew Valley is cook Maki Rolls.

This dish’s recipe can be unlocked for 300 g at the Stardrop Saloon or by watching TV on 21 Summer, Year 1.

To cook a Maki Roll, you will need x1 Seaweed, x1 Fish, and x1 Rice. This dish will recover 45 HP and 100 Energy, which is really good at the start of the game.

The second item you can make using Seaweed in Stardew Valley is the Fish Pond. This is probably the main reason you were looking for Seaweed in the first place.

The Fish Pond building needs x5 Seaweed to build. Once you make it, you can place fish inside of it that will passively produce free resources for you every day.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get Seaweed in Stardew Valley!

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Adrian Oprea

Based in London, United Kingdom, Adrian Oprea is a Guides Writer. As a professional single-player RPG player, Adrian has often been stigmatized. He has decided to pour his frustration into writing guides!

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